英文名稱 |
中文名稱 |
年代 |
遊戲圖片及簡介 |
Conquests of Camelot |
亞瑟王傳奇:尋找聖杯 |
1990 |
of the Dark |
艾薇拉:古堡禁地 |
1990 |
Countdown |
飛越杜鵑窩 |
1990 |
King's Quest:Quest for the
Crown |
國王密使:皇冠探求 |
1987 |
King's Quest Ⅱ:Romancing
of the Throne |
國王密使Ⅱ:皇家羅曼史 |
1987 |
King's Quest Ⅲ:To Heir is
Human |
國王密使Ⅲ:魔法生死鬥 |
1986 |
King's Quest Ⅳ:The Perils
of Rosella |
國王密使Ⅳ:蘿塞拉的冒險 |
1988 |
Loom |
紗之器 |
1990 |
The Secret of Monkey Island |
猴島小英雄 |
1990 |
Space Quest:The
Sarien Encounter |
宇宙傳奇:大戰沙崙人 |
1986 |
Leisure Suit Larry:in
the Land of the Lounge Lizards |
幻想空間 |
1987 |
Indiana Jones and the Last
Crusade |
聖戰奇兵 |
1990 |
Uninvited |
古堡之宴 |
1987 |
The Legend of Kyrandia |
凱蘭迪亞傳奇 |
1992 |
Indiana Jones and the Fate of
Atlantis |
亞特蘭提斯之謎 |
1992 |
Alone in The Dark |
鬼屋魔影 |
1992 |
Quest for Glory |
英雄傳奇 |
1989 |
Maniac Mansion |
瘋狂大樓 |
1987 |
Quest for Glory
2:Trial by Fire |
英雄傳奇2:烈火神兵 |
1990 |
Space Quest 2:Vohaul's
Revenge |
宇宙傳奇2:渥豪的復仇 |
1987 |
Space Quest:The
Pirates of Pestulon |
宇宙傳奇3:佩斯突隆海盜 |
1988 |
Leisure Suit Larry:Goes
Looking for Love |
幻想空間2 |
1988 |
Leisure Suit Larry:Passionate
Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals! |
幻想空間3:尋求滿懷悸動的多情佩蒂 |
1989 |
Police Quest:In
Pursuit of the Death Angel |
警察故事 |
1987 |
The Black
Cauldron |
黑神鍋 |
1987 |
Shadowgate |
魔影之門 |
1988 |
The Adventures
of Willy Beamish |
威利奇遇記 |
1991 |
Heart of China |
中國之心 |
1991 |
Jack in the
Dark |
N/A |
1994 |
Future Wars |
未來戰爭 |
1990 |
Total Eclipse |
黑暗金字塔 |
1988 |
Space Quest
IV:Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers |
宇宙傳奇4:時空穿越者 |
1991 |
King's Quest
V:Absence Makes The Heart Go Yonder |
國王密使5:失城記 |
1990 |
Monkey Island
2:LeChuck's Revenge |
猴島小英雄2:理察克的復仇 |
1991 |
Quest for Glory
3:Wages of War |
英雄傳奇3:戰火焚生錄 |
1992 |
Day of the
Tentacle |
瘋狂時代 |
1993 |
Mixed-Up Mother
Goose |
神奇王國 |
1987 |
Where in Europe
is Carmen Sandiego? |
卡門聖地牙哥:歐洲篇 |
1988 |
Waxworks |
蠟像館之謎 |
1992 |
Zak McKracken
and the Alien Mindbenders |
異形大進擊 |
1988 |
Dune |
沙丘魔堡 |
1992 |
Eric the
Unready |
寶裡寶氣寶騎士 |
1993 |
Elvira II:The
Jaws of Cerberus |
艾薇拉2:恐怖劇場 |
1991 |
Altered Destiny |
親愛的,我被電視吸走了 |
1990 |
The Manhole |
童話仙境 |
1989 |
The Legend of
Power Book |
如來金剛拳傳奇 |
1992 |
The Colony |
宇宙殖民區 |
1988 |
Dark Seed |
黑暗之蠱 |
1992 |
Mixed-up Fairy
Tales |
童話天地 |
1991 |
Geisha |
藝妓 |
1991 |
Requiem |
太空魯賓遜 |
1994 |
The Legend of
Robin Hood:Conquests of the Longbow |
俠盜羅賓漢 |
1991 |
Inherit the
Earth:Quest for the Orb |
妙狐神探:地球繼任者 |
1994 |
Les Manley
in:Search for The King |
小人物狂想曲 |
1990 |
Cobra Mission |
眼鏡蛇任務 |
1992 |
Science Ninja
Team Gatchaman |
科學小飛俠 |
1995 |
King's Quest
V:Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow |
國王密使6:希望之旅 |
1992 |
Leisure Suit
Larry: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards (Remake) |
新幻想空間 |
1991 |
Quest for
Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero (Remake) |
新英雄傳奇 |
1992 |